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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is EFT?
    Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is self-applied “tapping” with your fingertips along the meridian lines in your body. Imagine where acupuncture needles might be positioned – tapping along these points stimulates a flow of electricity that clears blockages built over time in reaction to life events. Created more than 25 years ago by Stamford Engineer, Gary Craig, EFT is a scientifically supported way of processing emotions. Combining both somatic and cognitive elements, you gently tap on yourself while consciously making statements about a life experience or stressor. EFT rewires the neural pathways in the brain and lowers cortisol (the stress hormone), which can increase immunity, improve mental clarity, and many other added benefits.
  • Why EFT?
    By choosing EFT, you have all the medicine and therapy you need within you, quite literally at your fingertips. EFT is an alternative healing modality that can work when all other efforts have failed and has a range of applications. From anxiety, depression, phobias, cravings, body pain and trauma, to enhancing creativity or manifesting your goals, EFT is a gentle way to reprogram your brain and body
  • Is EFT for you?
    Do you want to truly let go of what is holding you back? Want to stop reacting to old triggers? Would you like to move forward with your life and evolve into the person you know you’re capable of becoming? Have you tried traditional therapy and hit a wall with your progress? If you are ready to see change in your life, EFT will help you release the stories from your past, allow you to focus on the present, and welcome your future. When you tap, you give acknowledgment to your experience, and give love and acceptance to yourself reacting to that experience. So if you want to love yourself more, EFT is for you!
  • What happens in an EFT session?
    At the beginning of the session we will talk about what’s “up” in your life. Then, you will follow along with me and tap on certain points of your body while repeating certain phrases. During a session, your body may start “off-gassing,” which is a sign that energy is moving through your meridians. This means that you may yawn, burp, have sudden realizations, feel sleepy, cry, laugh, feel chills, or other similar reactions. Once spending time with your experience, we will apply love, acceptance and speak positive affirmations. After the session, I’ll sit with you to help integrate anything that you may have processed.
  • How will I know what to tap about?
    You can come to a session with an idea of something that is bothering you or a goal that you’d like to achieve. You can also come with an open mind and a blank slate and we can evaluate and prompt a direction for the session. Our bodies and minds are sneaky and can hide our fears and trauma well! You can think of a recent trigger that threw you off, even if you’re not feeling triggered for the session. When a person is triggered, often it is not the current situation at hand that is the problem. Triggers stir up past emotions inside us. They raise red flags that were put in place because our mind and body believed it was important to keep our future self safe. Triggers are unconscious mental notes. You may have heard the phrase “your triggers are your treasures,” because they shine a spotlight on where you can apply love and heal. There’s always something to tap on, even if it seems small you can find it and you can find relief!
  • I'm new to self-healing. Do I have to follow a certain school of thought?
    EFT is not tied to any religion, so there are no belief systems that will limit your experience. You don't have to be spiritual. You can be at the beginning of your healing journey or an experienced self-healing adventurer. All walks of life are welcome!
  • What ages benefit most from EFT?
    All ages benefit from EFT! EFT can be used for children or adults to overcome anger issues, fear, eating habits, and more. No matter how young or how old, anyone can benefit from EFT. Men, women, young and old.
  • How many sessions will this take?
    How deep do you want to go inside yourself? Some people can benefit from one session and have a major breakthrough. Others take several because they have built up walls around certain fears and issues. Once a person starts processing emotions with EFT, it's realized that this is a life tool that you can continue to come back to when needed. If you are new to EFT, I would suggest a minimum of 3-4 sessions before making a judgement about the effects. Sometimes the effects can be subtle, and it takes time to use your new skills out in the real world before you make the connection that you're healing. It's like working out your muscles! One workout is better than none, but you have to be consistent to really see the changes in your body and mind.
  • Are you a therapist?
    I am not a licensed therapist. I will not give advice or place judgment in a session. I will only offer support and guidance using the information you provide in a strategic way. I have completed more than 450 hours of training to maintain my Advanced Practitioner's License from the Sophia School of Living Arts.
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